22 print" [150][for commodore 64 plus 1541 drive]"
23 print"[154] author: [158]paul a. eves"
24 print"[154] re-written : [158]june '91 for cdu"
25 print" any key to continue"
26 gosub167
27 wait198,1:poke198,0
28 print"[147]list directory:- [yes] [no] or [end]?"
29 getk$:ifk$<>"y"andk$<>"n"andk$<>"e"then29
30 ifk$="y"thennf=1:gosub42
31 ifk$="e"thenprint"[147]":end
32 nf=0
33 input"required file:-";n$
34 iflen(n$)>16thenn$=left$(n$,16)
35 rem
36 rem
37 rem ********************
38 rem ** read directory **
39 rem ********************
40 rem
41 rem
42 open15,8,15,"i0":open2,8,2,"#"
43 tr=18:se=1
44 print#15,"b-r";2;0;tr;se
45 print#15,"b-p";2;0
46 get#2,k$:ifk$=""thenk$=chr$(0)
47 tr=asc(k$)
48 get#2,k$:ifk$=""thenk$=chr$(0)
49 se=asc(k$)
50 fori=0to7
51 print#15,"b-p";2;i*32+5
52 na$=""
53 forz=0to15
54 get#2,k$:ifk$=""thenk$=chr$(0)
55 ifasc(k$)=160then58
56 na$=na$+k$
57 nextz
58 ifn$=na$then68
59 ifnfthenprintna$
60 nexti
61 iftr=0then63
62 goto44
63 close2:close15
64 ifnf<>0then68
65 ifnf=0thenprint"[150][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]error...[146] no such file!!!"
66 print" any key to continue"
67 wait198,1:poke198,0:run
68 ifnfthenreturn
69 rem
70 rem
71 rem ********************
72 rem **reads and stores**
73 rem ** parameters of **
74 rem ** required file **
75 rem ********************
76 rem
77 rem
78 print#15,"b-p";2;i*32+2
79 get#2,k$:ifk$=""thenk$=chr$(0)
80 tp=asc(k$)
81 af=tpand15
82 ifaf=0thenty$="deleted"
83 ifaf=1thenty$="sequential"
84 ifaf=2thenty$="program"
85 ifaf=3thenty$="user"
86 ifaf=4thenty$="relative"
87 ifaf>4thenprint"[150][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]error...[146] file type not recognised!!!":goto66